AN ARMED STRONG MAN - Judosco International

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Monday 16 October 2017



Hello readers, I welcome you all to a glorious week, Today’s message is not to bore you or stress you, I have once written on a topic titled “WHO REALLY ARE YOU? HERO OR …..”, there I talked about who a Hero is,


 Heroes are .who transform compassion (a personal virtue) into heroic action (a civil virtue), some people just develop this weird relationship to the word “Hero”,We ask ourselves “does it take a lot of money, firm, power or is he someone we simply admire, respect and look up to? Sometime we do ask ourselves “what do I do to become a Hero? Must I have one kind of power? Or must I have superpower like a superhero? The likes of superman, captain America, batman and the rest.


Armed London Police
But, there is more to it, than just the name Hero, everyone can be called a hero but not all are Hero. Before you can be referred as an Hero you must have fought a war, war does not mean physical battle where individuals are fighting, it’s beyond that. I was in church on Sunday 24th July, 2016 when the pastor made me understand  what War is, he said, “Ministry is war” and In war there is no neutral ground, so we need to be prepared and must be fully armed.


An Armed Strong Man is a man who is equipped and ready to combat any challenges and difficulties in life.
An armed strong man is a soldier trained fully equipped for any attack that comes anytime and any day.To be fully equipped is not all that matters but to be able to use your weapons, some people have all the machineries, weapon and mechanism to combat an issue but still the issues overcomes them.
In this world we are leaving in, I refer to it as a war ground and everybody are soldiers with different weapons of warfare.When we talk about war, some people are always afraid of it, little did they know that they are fighting a war of their own.
When we talk about war, its not carrying physical weapons running here and there, looking for enemies, its beyond that, the war am talking here is our day to day activities and the weapons is inside of us.

Let me give an illustration, there is a talent hunt competition, and you bought the form to participate,

You seeing that your competitors are better than you, you become afraid, brother, you are loosing before the war begins because your first enemy you should conquer is yourself.
-         You mount courage and start practicing, but the equipment you are using are not sophisticated, there are two things involved either you win, you win by God’s grace or you lose, that’s why the Nigerian soldiers are still not able to defeat the Boko Harams because the enemies are using weapons that are more better and meets state of the art needs.
-         Ok, you got the right equipment but you don’t practice hard, let me just say, you are wasting your time because you wouldn’t win.
-         Now you practice hard, you got the right equipment but its not your talent/gift or passion, it will only take the grace of God to succeed, because it will look so obvious that you are forcing yourself.
-         You have the talent/gift, the right equipment but you don’t practice hard, brother your case is different because great men practice even without going for any competition.
-         You have the talent/gift, you practice hard but with limited equipment, you may triumph but still will be limited to some things.
The world is a global village where everyone is like they say “on your own (OYO)” well the gift that God has given you is not for yourself but to the benefit of others, so you are a solution center to someone out there, equip yourself with the right words, people, environment, books, intellect and with God all things are possible.

Thanks for reading

Jude Ogochukwu

Judosco International