Who Really Are You? HERO or _ (PART 1) - Judosco International

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Saturday, 23 April 2016


Who Really Are You? HERO or _ (PART 1)

Many people are leaving in this world without the true knowledge of themselves. Well you may be asked this simple but complexed question “WHO ARE YOU”?
Some people even find it difficult to answer or form/compose a simple sentence, some will start by mentioning their names, their age, their status, their riches, their skills and so on, all above mentioned answers the question but not who you really are.
Well, you may be wondering what am i talking about, Am talking SELF DISCOVERING, Self Discovering is the best thing that happens to a man, for you to know who you really are, you have to discover yourself, which is your DESTINY, GIFT and your ABILITIES.
When God created man, He deposited Something Unique, Something Special, Special in such a way that you are a SUPER STAR, Something that makes you a CHAMPION.
The Bible Records in Genesis – We are created in the image of God, for our God is an INNOVATIVE GOD.
Romans 15:1-2
We Who Are Strong Have An Obligation To Bear With The Failings Of The Weak And Not To Please Ourselves. Let Each Of Us Please His Neighbour For His Good, To Build Him Up.
Whatever fight bravery for the right of others is called a “HERO”. As we all hear the word HERO used from time to time, have you ever asked the question “WHAT IS HE ALL ABOUT”?
Heroes are people who voluntarily embrace failure in the midst of obscurity to become successful.
* Is A Hero Someone We Simply Admire, Respect And Look Up To?
* Is He Some Kind Of “SUPERSTAR” With “SUPERPOWER”?
* Does It Take A Lot Of Money, Firm And Fame To Be It?
* What’s Involved In Being This Personality?
* Can We Also Call Ourselves This Name?
* Why Do We Have Such A Weird Relationship To The Word “HERO”?
find out…
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