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Saturday, 23 April 2016




The oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition Defines Intellect as “the ability to think in a logical way and understand things” while Inspire is defined as “to give somebody the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do something well.
To inspire your intellect with God is to give yourself the zeal, desire, confidence to think in a natural, reasonable or sensible way and
understanding the things of God.
To inspire your Intellect is to advice your thinking faculty,
and understand the way God works.
Listen to Your Conscience
Have you noticed that you get an uneasy feeling down inside of you when you say or do something wrong? This is your Conscience.
Your conscience is like a little voice inside of you that tells you when you are right and when you are wrong. You must learn to listen to your conscience because this is one way God speaks to you.
When we are right with God and right with others, our
conscience will tell us that we are right. We will have a clear conscience. To be a happy Christian, we must have a clear Conscience.
When we sin against God or sin against another person, our conscience will tell us that we are wrong. We will have a guilty conscience.
If we want to get rid of our guilty conscience and have a clear conscience again, we must make things right with God and with the people we have sinned against. When we do this, once again we have a clear conscience and we can be a happy Christian.
How to make things right with God
To make things right with God, we must confess our sins to Him. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. I John 1:9.
What does this verse say? It says that if we confess our sins to God, He will forgive us and cleanse us. God forgives our sins because He sees the blood of His Son which was shed for them. Once again we are clean in God’s sight and we have a clear conscience.
To have a clear conscience, we must make things right with
How to make things right with other people To have a clear conscience, we must not only make things right with God, but we must also make things right with the people whom we have wronged in any way.
When we hurt someone by something we say or do, is called an offense. When someone has an offense against us, it means that we have wronged them in some way.
If we want to have a clear conscience we must make things right with those we have offended. We must allow God to search our heart and show us the offenses or wrong things we have done to other people.
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